
Earth Overshoot Day: save the planet, share some space!

In 2022 valt Earth Overshoot Day op 28 juli. Earth Overshoot Day, berekend door het Global Footprint Network, is de dag waarop we, als wereldbevolking, alle natuurlijke bronnen en grondstoffen hebben verbruikt die de Aarde op jaarbasis kan produceren. In België viel deze dag zelfs al op 26 maart 2022 en overschrijdt daarmee het gemiddelde van alle landen. Dit ecologische tekort is vooral te wijten aan de totale wereldbevolking die de voorraden ecologische hulpbronnen opgebruikt en afval, voornamelijk koolstofdioxide in de atmosfeer, accumuleert. Wat dit te maken heeft met de missie van Cocom? We leggen het uit.

The problem

Almost every year, Earth Overshoot Day falls earlier in the calendar year than the year before, and this is particularly problematic for the future. In concrete terms, this means that we collectively consume too much, ecological resources, and generate too much waste to the point where natural resources will become scarce. A growing world population, increasing industry and urbanisation of areas are largely responsible for this problem. The good news is that Earth Overshoot Day can be countered.

De oplossing

An ideal scenario is one without Earth Overshoot Day. To achieve this, humanity faces a reasonable challenge. If we can ensure that Earth Overshoot Day is postponed by six days each year - by consuming less - we can eliminate this ecological deficit by 2050. Moreover, this is in line with UN target 7 which calls for a significant increase in the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.

But what initiatives help to counteract Earth Overshoot Day?

  • The use of electric vehicles bring back Earth Overshoot Day by 2.5 days.
  • Parking reforms in cities is another way to counteract Earth Overshoot Day, this can postpone the ecological deficit by up to 10 days.
  • Renewable energy could push back Earth Overshoot Day by 26 days. Impressive, isn't it?
  • By turning cities into Smart Cities, Earth Overshoot day can be postponed by as much as 29 days.

On the Earth Overshoot Day website, you will find many more solutions for saving the planet together.

How Cocom contributes

The solution with the greatest impact is smart cities. Cities with better and more compact infrastructures, more advanced public transport networks, can make city life better with a much lower ecological footprint. City planning and urban development strategies are of great importance here. Cocom's mission is in line with this vision. By better utilising and sharing space and surface, we create smart cities and there is less need for additional building. We give badly used space a new purpose. With Cocom you can for example rent out empty spaces as storage space, or you can give your attic or garden house a second life.

Ready to save the planet? Download the app and share some space!

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