Cookie policy
     1. What is the purpose of this policy?

The Space Behind is a limited liability company incorporated under Belgian law, having its registered office at Eduard Van Steenbergenlaan 48/2, 2100 Antwerp (Belgium), registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0733.609.812 (trading as and hereinafter referred to as “Cocom”).

This is the policy of Cocom with respect to the use of cookies on our website. This Cookie Policy serves to inform you of the cookies we use, so that you can easily manage your cookie-settings.

This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy, which can be found here.  

     2. What are cookies and why are they used?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device via your browser. The Belgian Act on Electronic Communications (transposition of the European e-Privacy Directive) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 applies to them.

Some of the cookies that we use on our website or mobile application are essential to make this website or mobile application work, others serve to provide you a better, faster and safer user experience.

Cookies are often classified in the following categories:

  • “session cookies”: cookies that are automatically erased once the user closes the website or mobile application;
  • “persistent cookies”: cookies that remain on a user’s computer or device even after the user closes the website or application, and stay there for a certain period of time (e.g. several minutes, days or years);
  • “own cookies”: cookies that are installed and managed by Cocom itself; and
  • “cookies from third parties”: cookies that are installed and managed by a third party during a user’s visit of our website or mobile application.

You will find more information on the specific cookies that we use on our website and mobile application in point 3 below, and you will learn how to manage these cookies (including, if desired, how to delete them) under point 4.

     3. Which cookies do we use?

Please find below a list of the cookies that we are using on our website and mobile application:

     4. How can you manage/delete these cookies?

All major internet browsers offer the option to manage the cookies that were installed on your computer or mobile device.

In case you do not want that our website or mobile application places cookies on your computer or mobile device, you may limit or delete this easily by adjusting your browser or mobile settings. In addition, you can set you browser or mobile settings in such a way that you get a notification every time you receive a cookie on your computer or mobile device, so that you can decide whether you wish to accept this cookie or not.

Please note that when you disable certain cookies, it is possible that certain parts of our website or mobile application will no longer function properly and you will no longer enjoy an optimal user experience.

     5. Changes to this cookie policy

From time to time, we may need to change this Cookie Policy, for example in case of use of new functionalities on our website or mobile application. We therefore encourage you to regularly review this Cookie Policy. The most current version of this Cookie Policy will be available via our website/mobile application at all times.

     6. Contact

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data by us, you may contact us by e-mail at, or by regular mail to:
The Space Behind, Eduard Van Steenbergenlaan 48/2, 2100 Antwerp (Belgium).

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